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Are you ready to redesign your life—

Body & Mind, Regain Your Energy, Confidence and Rediscover the Vibrant Woman You Are?

Are you at the point where you're beginning to really feel the urgency to create a healthier lifestyle for yourself in order to improve your health, reconnect with yourself, boost your energy and to look and feel great?


True health is about feeling vibrant, energized and full of joy, and in order to look and feel your best, it's important to have a

"whole-person" approach to your wellbeing.

Ever ask yourself "Why do I cling to certain habits, even when I want to let go?"


It's not that you haven't tried. You have! You've struggled time and time again to create healthy habits in order to feel vibrant and energetic again. You're doing great ... until life gets in the way or self-sabotaging behavior sets in.


Here's the thing, knowing WHAT to do is only part of the issue. Staying consistent with your efforts is often the bigger issue.


If you're like most women, you put a lot of energy into taking care of everyone else and still have to deal with life responsibilities so by the time it comes to taking care of yourself, you're drained. 


You're stressed and overwhelmed so maybe you compensate by overeating and other unhealthy habits to temporarily feel better. Afterward, you end up feeling bad about yourself and get determined to create healthy habits only to have the cycle repeat itself again.


Sound familiar?


Creating healthy habits can be challenging, and there are most likely beliefs you're not even aware of that are driving your behavior. No matter how strong your motivation and will to change, it can be too easy to get off track ... especially if you're going it alone.


You can be confident in knowing that I don't speak from vague pieces of advice. I speak from my own experience, real-world experience in our common goal. I know the hardships – but I'm also well aware of the rewards!


I invite you to open up to the possibility that this time really can be different. That you really haven't yet tried everything. This is an opportunity to get curious about how healthy you can be. There's no better day than today to get started!

If you're experiencing self-sabotaging behavior and want to get a handle on it in order to reach your wellness goals, know that you are definitely not alone. I've been there. 


Hi, I'm Yarah

I am passionate about helping women in mid-life to identify & let go of the thoughts, emotions and actions causing anxiety and self sabotaging behavior & reclaim a healthier, happier you!


It's all about making positive, conscious choices to create lasting, healthy habits that align with your core values and beliefs ... habits that will nourish all areas of your life. 


You are not alone. I'm here for you.


Together we can break through the challenges and self-sabotaging behaviors that are keeping you from being your best and living the life you desire.

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What Others Are Saying ...

"Thank you so much for standing by me and continuing to encourage me when I felt totally overwhelmed and didn't believe in myself. Learning to trust and honor the messages my body was trying to tell me was new to me. The routines you helped me to create gave me that "extra time" that I really needed to look after myself to relax, and my family can tell the difference in my attitude. I looked forward to all my sessions because they helped me get clarity and focus." 


"Eating clean has afforded me so many benefits. I found the energy I needed to not only exercise, but to also tackle those pesky chores that were previously ignored. Above all, the realization that it is ok to spend time taking care of me and the things that matter to me is priceless."


"I loved, loved that I didn't have to count calories or follow a strict diet plan! I never heard of the concept of intuitive eating before and I just love it! Totally makes sense to me. Still smiling and so happy over the 15 pounds I lost. Most of all Yarah, thank you for "holding my hand" and helping me see the positive when I was so focused on everything that was stressing me out."


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